





Thriving with Grace


“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
Maya Angelou
  • Ever wonder is this what life is about? Getting up, getting to work, working in a job we most likely disklike, if not hate, getting back home, spending a few hours with family, drop dead tired in bed and wake up the next day, doing it all over again? In the middle of it all deal with painful challenges and surprises that constantly hit you?
  • Don’t you feel like a hamster in the wheel?
  • Aren’t you tired of the monotony of life, the dreariness of it, always looking forward to the weekends or vacations?
  • Don’t you wish you had a job you were passionate about, doing what you love to do and getting well paid for it?
What if you could live a life of joy and happiness, instead of putting up with dour existence?

In Grace Under Fire – Awakening , I gave you the knowledge and practices that empowered you to manage your life with wisdom, grace and ease.

In this book, you will learn the wisdom, tools and practices you need to blossom and thrive.

You will learn:

  • Three Divine Truths that will shatter you view of the world and leave you breathless with awe!
  • Concise map of the Way of Love, the path to the Source of All That Is.
  • Seven practices that will help you blossom and thrive now, in this world

This book is about thriving and living with unabashed joy NOW, in the present moment.

Is this something you are ready for?

Thriving with Grace is the result of five years of research and study on teachings of renowned gurus/ masters/teachers (listed in the back of the book), and in deep contemplation and dialogue.

I have researched and studied various sources, thousands of hours of listening to audiobooks and YouTube videos. The wisdom is quite old and there’s nothing new here. What makes this book different is the fact that it is from sacred sources of all religions and spiritual practices, distilled and precisely mapped to show you the way to Divine Love and Grace.

Divine Grace in Christianity is the free and unmerited favor of God. We were meant to thrive with SATI’s (Source of All That Is) infinite love. And I show you how in this book. If the time has come for a radical change of direction and some deep introspection, please read on.

This is my gift of Love to you; may it reach you heart and soul and empower you to blossom, thrive and live a life of deep joy. May it also extend beyond us to envelop the entire planet and all its beautiful inhabitants.